Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Staying Civil Online

5 rules for Internet etiquette are:
1. Treat your computer with respect like it was your own if it isn't.
2. Don't send people things like a virus that could hurt their computer.
3. Don't say rude words to other people it could hurt their feelings.
4. Surf the net wisely don't look at things you shouldn't.
5. Share your Internet with family members, don't hog the computer.

In the article it says that although there are not a set of written rules for behavior on the Internet they have policies that people must agree to that tells them how to correctly use the Internet when on that site. If the ISP gets enough complaints that you are sending rude things they can cancel your account and if it is bad enough they can turn it into the police and have you arrested. You can't ever hide who you are even if you think you can.

The 7 netiquettes are:
1. Behave as though you are communicating in person. (Don't talk to them any different than you would in person.)
2. Remember that your words are open to interpretation. (You should be careful what you post because it can hurt peoples feelings.)
3. Do not "shout" online. (using capital letters is like yelling at someone in person.)
4. Do not "flame" other users. (Don't post mean, rude, or bad things where others can read them.)
5. Don not send Spam. (No one wants to get an e-mail full of junk mail and you can get in trouble for it so don't do it.)
6. Do not distribute copyrighted material. (Don't take information from other websites that aren't yours.)
7. Do not be a coward. (Don't hide behind a fake name just so you don't get caught.)

I think that netiquette is important because it is just like being out in public, without it you seem rude and uninviting to people and no one will want to talk to you.

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