Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Acceptable Use Policy

An AUP is a document you sign so that you agree to not use the Internet or computer in anyway other than what it is for.

An AUP is used at Glenvar through the student laptops. We have a set of rules on what things we can't do with them.

5 rule for laptop use at Glenvar are:
1. Only authorized educational programs installed by RCPS staff may be used on this computer. (you can't have anything that isn't educational put onto your laptop that isn't authorized by a RCPS staff.)
2. Do not download, install, or play games, music, or video unless directly related to classroom instruciton. (You can't play any games or music or videos unless a teacher tells your to do so.)
3. E-mail and instant messaging are prohibited in school unless specifically authorized by a teacher. (Unless other wise told to do so you may not be on aim or your e-mail account.)
4. Students may not use any alternative operating system on the computer. (You are only allowed to use the programs on your laptop. You may not add to them.)
5. Do not attempt to bypass any form of security built into the system by Roanoke County Schools. (Don't try and find alternative routes to a blocked site.)

An AUP policy can be put in place at a job by monitoring there use on the Internet and seeing there e-mails.

AUP's are necessary because they keep people from doing things they shouldn't with other people's stuff and keep them doing their work at work.

If I were the boss of a large company where each employee had their own computer and access to Internet my rules would be that I would monitor their activities on line and watch what e-mails they are sending out.

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