Booting is the first program to be executed when the computer is switched on.
DOS is keyboard based.
To communicate with DOS, the screen has a prompt here you enter a command.
Case insensitive means that you can have upper or lower case letters and it will still read the command.
An example would be "F" or "f"
4 useful things to learn about DOS.
SET PATH= The path it takes to look in one certain directory
? in a file name means your not sure what a digit or letter is
* in a file name means wildcard
. in a directory path stands for current directory
7 very useful DOS commands.
A: means floppy or disk drive.
C: means hard drive.
DIR: means directory
MD: means make a new directory
CD: means change directory
COPY: means copy a file
DEL: means delete a file
DOS organizes disks by with a file directory and disk drive structure.
Three requirements that must be met for a file to be named include 1-8 letters, period, and 3 letter extension.
An example: brandi.doc
In DOS directories named by subdirectories
An example would be A:photo/family reunion/2008
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