Monday, December 14, 2009

Alice is a 3D programmer that makes it easy to create a world to tell a story or play a game.

There are countless objects to put in your world. An example would be they have multiple people to choose from like an ice skater or a student, they have backgrounds like skies, and they have extra add in. You can make them do pretty much whatever you want like walk, flip, skate or twirl.

You could use Alice to tell a story or play a game. The pros of Alice is that you aren't limited to anything, you can make what ever you can think up.

it does get difficult when you are trying to figure out how to make the objects do what your want them to.

I made an amusement park with a guy and a girl who go around the park riding the rides till they find the one they like best.

Yes, because it was fun making up my own world, but no because i couldn't get them to do what i wanted all the time.

Probably not unless i had a use for it where i would need it.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Cyber bullying

Name: Brandi Bryant

Article link:

Article Title: The Ryan Halligan Story

Ryan Halligan was a 13 year old boy living in New York. He was a bullied not only in the classroom but online as well. People would call him gay and threaten him non stop. When Ryan couldn’t take it anymore he decided to commit suicide on October 7, 2003.

I think articles like this are good for people to read because it does bring up the issue that cyber bullies are a problem and they need to be addressed. If we continue to sit back and let it happen there will be more deaths.

It doesn’t say what happened to the people who tormented Ryan. For Ryan these attacks and brutal comments have made him end his life he won’t ever get to see his adult life all because of someone’s mean words. As for his family they have to be haunted by the memories of what happened and realize there son isn’t ever coming back.

I think kids in school should who knew should have come forward and told someone or tried to stop it. The family could have also tried to look harder at the signs or be more involved in their son’s life. Many things could have been done but weren’t and it ended tragically.

This doesn’t relate to me or my family or friends. I do think this can show society that this is very much alive and will only get worse if no one speaks out to do something about it or have it stopped. There needs to be more harsh laws and extreme punishment if detected so no one has to go through what Ryan did or take their own life.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Staying Civil Online

5 rules for Internet etiquette are:
1. Treat your computer with respect like it was your own if it isn't.
2. Don't send people things like a virus that could hurt their computer.
3. Don't say rude words to other people it could hurt their feelings.
4. Surf the net wisely don't look at things you shouldn't.
5. Share your Internet with family members, don't hog the computer.

In the article it says that although there are not a set of written rules for behavior on the Internet they have policies that people must agree to that tells them how to correctly use the Internet when on that site. If the ISP gets enough complaints that you are sending rude things they can cancel your account and if it is bad enough they can turn it into the police and have you arrested. You can't ever hide who you are even if you think you can.

The 7 netiquettes are:
1. Behave as though you are communicating in person. (Don't talk to them any different than you would in person.)
2. Remember that your words are open to interpretation. (You should be careful what you post because it can hurt peoples feelings.)
3. Do not "shout" online. (using capital letters is like yelling at someone in person.)
4. Do not "flame" other users. (Don't post mean, rude, or bad things where others can read them.)
5. Don not send Spam. (No one wants to get an e-mail full of junk mail and you can get in trouble for it so don't do it.)
6. Do not distribute copyrighted material. (Don't take information from other websites that aren't yours.)
7. Do not be a coward. (Don't hide behind a fake name just so you don't get caught.)

I think that netiquette is important because it is just like being out in public, without it you seem rude and uninviting to people and no one will want to talk to you.

Acceptable Use Policy

An AUP is a document you sign so that you agree to not use the Internet or computer in anyway other than what it is for.

An AUP is used at Glenvar through the student laptops. We have a set of rules on what things we can't do with them.

5 rule for laptop use at Glenvar are:
1. Only authorized educational programs installed by RCPS staff may be used on this computer. (you can't have anything that isn't educational put onto your laptop that isn't authorized by a RCPS staff.)
2. Do not download, install, or play games, music, or video unless directly related to classroom instruciton. (You can't play any games or music or videos unless a teacher tells your to do so.)
3. E-mail and instant messaging are prohibited in school unless specifically authorized by a teacher. (Unless other wise told to do so you may not be on aim or your e-mail account.)
4. Students may not use any alternative operating system on the computer. (You are only allowed to use the programs on your laptop. You may not add to them.)
5. Do not attempt to bypass any form of security built into the system by Roanoke County Schools. (Don't try and find alternative routes to a blocked site.)

An AUP policy can be put in place at a job by monitoring there use on the Internet and seeing there e-mails.

AUP's are necessary because they keep people from doing things they shouldn't with other people's stuff and keep them doing their work at work.

If I were the boss of a large company where each employee had their own computer and access to Internet my rules would be that I would monitor their activities on line and watch what e-mails they are sending out.


An emotion is the way you feel about somehthing.

An emoticon is a symbol that shows your emotions on instant messaging or texts.

10 examples of emoticons and what they mean are:
:-)Happy with a nose.
:-(Sad with a nose.
=D Very happy
>:( Very mad
<=D Very happy cone head :*( Crying :-#) Happy man with a mustache An acronym is a few letters to shorten words in a text or instant message. 10 appropriate examples of texting/IMing acronyms are:
LOL-laugh out loud
IDK-I don't know
FYI-for your information
BTW-by the way
2NITE-to night
BRB-be right back
CUL8R-see you later
LMK-let me know

Monday, November 9, 2009


1. HTML means Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a series of codes to help you create certain looks and add pictures and color to your website.

2.A tag is a code that tells where to put or how to show certain things on your website.
3. Open and closed tags make sure that what is in the middle of the open and closed tags are what you want done. If you don't have one or the other then it won't show up on your page or it won't be the way you want it to look.

4. Steps to making your own:

I should be able to create my own site from your instructions on this one!) First you must bring up a blank notepad and put in tag your word tag and then enter down some an put in tag/. In betweenthem is where you will enter your text or whatever you want to go on your page. Save this to a folder. When you save it call it whatever you want but put .html so that when you go to open it up it comes up as a website not a document. Once you have done that you can start to dress up your page any way you like. If you put in title then enter your name or something like that,/TITLE> this will shop up at the top of your page on the big thick blue bar. It tells what your page is called. After that just go to google and look for html codes that suit what you want to do. You can find codes for scroll boxes, pictures, borders, color backgrounds, bullets, numbering, etc. Its all do able you just have to find the code. You can also center your information just find the code. Once you understand how you will get the hang of it and it will be easy.

5. Here are 3 websites that have good HTML codes:

6. Before i just knew it was how a website becomes and looks the way it does. Now i know how to make one and how to put in the codes. This will help me with my pages on myspace or if i ever want to make a website.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

ethernet cables

An Ethernet cable is use to connect your computer to the Internet.
To build your own you will need a networking cable, 2 RJ-45 Jacks, and cable cutting pliers.

You first must cut your cable to your desired length.

Then you must strip your wire so that the jack clamps down on the original wire.

Then spread out your wires and going from left to right put the colors in this order:

light orange, dark orange, light green, dark blue, light blue, dark green, light brown, and dark brown.

Once your colors are in the right order, with the clip part facing down put wires in their slots.

Make sure wires are far enough in to make a connection. (you should see the wires at the other end of the jack.)

Use pliers to clamp the jack onto the wire.

Then repeat on the other end of the cable.

When you think you have it right you can plug it into your computer and your Internet and see if you can get a connection.

For me the first time wasn't hard. Once you get one side down you shouldn't have much problem on the other side. Just be careful when stripping the wire because if you cut one of the colored wires you have to start over. I only had to start over once :)

I believe anyone can make these and it could be a lot cheaper so good luck.

Monday, October 19, 2009


A network is a group of interconnected computers. We need a network so we can communicate and function with other people.

A LAN is a local network and a WAN is a bigger geographical network. Information sharing,Hardware sharing,software sharing, collaborative environment.

Three common network topologies are:
Star, bus, and circle.
Client/Server deals with someone helping out someone else. Peer/Peer deals with people just communicating and talking about random things or everyday life.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

internet fraud

Second Defendant in Internet Scheme that Defrauded Trucking Companies Sentenced to Federal Prison.

Two 34 year old men from California used a federal Internet site and the U.S. mail to defraud trucking companies of more than $2.7 million. Both pleaded guilty in February to using bogus corporate and individual identities and accessing the Safety and Fitness Electronic Records System(Internet website of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation). They made up a trucking company and would find places that needed truck loads transported and then hire someone else to transport it for them under a different trucking company but never paid that company. After his partner was sentenced for six years in prison, the other was sentenced to 55 months in Federal Prison and also has to pay restitution to the 300 victims of the scheme.

Friday, October 9, 2009


I think the purpose of a blog is so you can share information with family and friends or to people all over the world. A pro about blogs is that you can communicate to people from anywhere who you may not be able to see here at home. A con would be you can get everything to work with blogger and it gets frustrating. They can be safe if you choose not to let the whole world see them but there are ways people can get a hold of your blog. They can be used as an educational tool in that you can learn how to work a blog you can do interactive class discussions on blogger and learn more about the Internet.