Friday, February 26, 2010


DOS is a Microsoft Disk Operating System.

Booting is the first program to be executed when the computer is switched on.

DOS is keyboard based.

To communicate with DOS, the screen has a prompt here you enter a command.

Case insensitive means that you can have upper or lower case letters and it will still read the command.

An example would be "F" or "f"

4 useful things to learn about DOS.

SET PATH= The path it takes to look in one certain directory

? in a file name means your not sure what a digit or letter is

* in a file name means wildcard

. in a directory path stands for current directory

7 very useful DOS commands.

A: means floppy or disk drive.

C: means hard drive.

DIR: means directory

MD: means make a new directory

CD: means change directory

COPY: means copy a file

DEL: means delete a file

DOS organizes disks by with a file directory and disk drive structure.

Three requirements that must be met for a file to be named include 1-8 letters, period, and 3 letter extension.

An example: brandi.doc

In DOS directories named by subdirectories

An example would be A:photo/family reunion/2008

Friday, February 19, 2010


A Lego Robot is a computerized robot that does what you tell it to. It can perform many tricks such as move back and forward, pick objects up, and see things.
This stands for the Mazda logo for their cars. The colors don't mean anything specific but I think that out of all the car logos this is my favorite.

I chose to do shapes that catch the eye. I chose these colors because i like them and i think they are warm colors that make you feel calm.

I have always wanted a Roxy sticker for my car so i guess, even though it isn't original, i would choose that. I would want it to be purple because that is my favorite color. I would want the Roxy design and then the name under it.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010



An evil black bubble has captured the hero bubble from another town so that he can't kill his evil dragon. The hero bubble was put in the biggest forest maze known to man and has to make it past all the obstacles the evil bubble has put in his way to get to the dragon before he kills the town's people.

The only sprites you have are the hero bubble who can move left, right, forwards, and backwards to get over the evil objects.

The objects within the game are evil sinking sand holes, pointy needles, fire pits, and slippery forest floors. There are also safe check points and a bubble protector at the end of the level to move on to the next.

The game console that you can play this game on is the Xbox 360. It is perfect for maneuvering a slippery bubble.

I designed the game this way because it is fun and challenging at the same time. It is also a game targeted for kids 10 and up.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Computer/Video games

Defend Your Castle

The story of the game is that your the castle guard and you must defend your castle by killing all the bad guys who try to get in.

The keys you will need are the mouse. You must right click on a bad guy then hold that button down and drag him up into the air and release to kill him.

Grand Theft Auto

The story of the game is that you have to perform tasks that get harder as you go to complete the game. You must complete the missions without dying or getting caught by the police.

The keys you will need are on your Xbox controller which include the triangle, the arrow keys, the left right buttons, and the x button.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Alice is a 3D programmer that makes it easy to create a world to tell a story or play a game.

There are countless objects to put in your world. An example would be they have multiple people to choose from like an ice skater or a student, they have backgrounds like skies, and they have extra add in. You can make them do pretty much whatever you want like walk, flip, skate or twirl.

You could use Alice to tell a story or play a game. The pros of Alice is that you aren't limited to anything, you can make what ever you can think up.

it does get difficult when you are trying to figure out how to make the objects do what your want them to.

I made an amusement park with a guy and a girl who go around the park riding the rides till they find the one they like best.

Yes, because it was fun making up my own world, but no because i couldn't get them to do what i wanted all the time.

Probably not unless i had a use for it where i would need it.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Cyber bullying

Name: Brandi Bryant

Article link:

Article Title: The Ryan Halligan Story

Ryan Halligan was a 13 year old boy living in New York. He was a bullied not only in the classroom but online as well. People would call him gay and threaten him non stop. When Ryan couldn’t take it anymore he decided to commit suicide on October 7, 2003.

I think articles like this are good for people to read because it does bring up the issue that cyber bullies are a problem and they need to be addressed. If we continue to sit back and let it happen there will be more deaths.

It doesn’t say what happened to the people who tormented Ryan. For Ryan these attacks and brutal comments have made him end his life he won’t ever get to see his adult life all because of someone’s mean words. As for his family they have to be haunted by the memories of what happened and realize there son isn’t ever coming back.

I think kids in school should who knew should have come forward and told someone or tried to stop it. The family could have also tried to look harder at the signs or be more involved in their son’s life. Many things could have been done but weren’t and it ended tragically.

This doesn’t relate to me or my family or friends. I do think this can show society that this is very much alive and will only get worse if no one speaks out to do something about it or have it stopped. There needs to be more harsh laws and extreme punishment if detected so no one has to go through what Ryan did or take their own life.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Staying Civil Online

5 rules for Internet etiquette are:
1. Treat your computer with respect like it was your own if it isn't.
2. Don't send people things like a virus that could hurt their computer.
3. Don't say rude words to other people it could hurt their feelings.
4. Surf the net wisely don't look at things you shouldn't.
5. Share your Internet with family members, don't hog the computer.

In the article it says that although there are not a set of written rules for behavior on the Internet they have policies that people must agree to that tells them how to correctly use the Internet when on that site. If the ISP gets enough complaints that you are sending rude things they can cancel your account and if it is bad enough they can turn it into the police and have you arrested. You can't ever hide who you are even if you think you can.

The 7 netiquettes are:
1. Behave as though you are communicating in person. (Don't talk to them any different than you would in person.)
2. Remember that your words are open to interpretation. (You should be careful what you post because it can hurt peoples feelings.)
3. Do not "shout" online. (using capital letters is like yelling at someone in person.)
4. Do not "flame" other users. (Don't post mean, rude, or bad things where others can read them.)
5. Don not send Spam. (No one wants to get an e-mail full of junk mail and you can get in trouble for it so don't do it.)
6. Do not distribute copyrighted material. (Don't take information from other websites that aren't yours.)
7. Do not be a coward. (Don't hide behind a fake name just so you don't get caught.)

I think that netiquette is important because it is just like being out in public, without it you seem rude and uninviting to people and no one will want to talk to you.