Monday, December 14, 2009

Alice is a 3D programmer that makes it easy to create a world to tell a story or play a game.

There are countless objects to put in your world. An example would be they have multiple people to choose from like an ice skater or a student, they have backgrounds like skies, and they have extra add in. You can make them do pretty much whatever you want like walk, flip, skate or twirl.

You could use Alice to tell a story or play a game. The pros of Alice is that you aren't limited to anything, you can make what ever you can think up.

it does get difficult when you are trying to figure out how to make the objects do what your want them to.

I made an amusement park with a guy and a girl who go around the park riding the rides till they find the one they like best.

Yes, because it was fun making up my own world, but no because i couldn't get them to do what i wanted all the time.

Probably not unless i had a use for it where i would need it.